About Us

Founded by champions and award winners from Hong Kong Master of Ceremony Competition, S.A.Y. provides professional MC services for corporations, governmental bodies and charitable organisations at a wide range of occasions, including beauty contests, award presentation ceremonies, conferences, opening ceremonies, annual dinners, fashion shows, etc. Clients include Audi, Canon, eBay, Google, HSBC, IBM, Line, Revlon, Samsung, WWF, Yahoo and more.

We also offer Professional MC Training Courses to teach MC and public speaking skills for public sectors, charitable organisations, companies and schools in Hong Kong and Macau. Clients include Dairy Farm, CSL, Amway, Bank of Communications, Centaline Property, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and Raimondi College, etc.

We trained up many award-winning students and their achievements include Champions of Hong Kong Master of Ceremony Competition, 1st and 2nd Runner-up, Best Partner and Outstanding Stage Performance Awards at Hong Kong Master of Ceremony Competition, Distinguished Salesperson Award (DSA) top five, Best Performance Award (BPA), Outstanding Young Salesperson Award (OYSA) top five etc.

We are the first MC service and Training Service provider received ISO 9001 International Quality Qualification to ensure excellent service.

S.A.Y. 由多名全港司儀大賽冠軍及得獎者創辦,致力為各大企業、政府機構及慈善團體提供專業司儀服務,曾主持活動包括選美比賽、頒獎典禮、公司會議、開幕儀式、周年晚宴及時裝表演等。客戶包括Audi、Canon、eBay、Google、HSBC、IBM、Line、Revlon、Samsung、WWF及Yahoo等。



我們是首個通過ISO 9001國際品質管理標準認證的司儀服務及培訓機構,確保可持續提供卓越服務。

Our Story

S.A.Y. is powered by Unlimited Power Production and Training Limited (UPPT) , formed by a group of talented, passionate and dedicated MCs who believe that their role, Master of Ceremony, is professional and the key of every event.

S.A.Y. is aware of the huge demand of MC in the market, and strongly believes that MC service should be professionalized. In 2005, when our founder Ms. Amanda Fok won the Champion of Hong Kong Master of Ceremony Competition, she started her full-time professional MC career, and also engaged another talented partner Ms. Yoee Leung to provide the market high quality MC services.

With the efforts of Amanda & Yoee, S.A.Y. developed a strong team which is able to manage almost every type of shows. Our determination and pursuit of perfection gained numerous recognition from customers and partners.

S.A.Y. 由一群才華橫溢、熱情司儀創立,我們相信司儀是一個專業的崗位,而且是活動的關鍵角色。S.A.Y.由專業司儀服務及培訓服務公司Unlimited Power全力支援。

S.A.Y. 明白市場對司儀服務需求殷切並堅信司儀服務應走向專業化。 因此創辦人霍彩玲小姐Amanda於2005年獲得全港司儀大賽冠軍後便開始其專業司儀生涯,與另一位得獎者梁嘉恩小姐Yoee一同為市場提供優質司儀服務。



S.A.Y. – Stage of Soul
全新品牌形象 綻放司儀正能量
「S.A.Y.」是專業司儀服務及培訓服務公司Unlimited Power Production & Training Ltd (UPPT) 旗下的品牌,貫徹其致力提供專業司儀服務及人材培訓的宗旨,S.A.Y. 主打年輕活力,將進一步推動司儀工作專業和普及化,並積極回饋社會。
品牌名字「S.A.Y.」分別代表:學生(Students) 和兩位創辦人Amanda Fok及Yoee Leung的名字,連成一體;這個黃金三角的關係也象徵著 S.A.Y. 的淵源,由眾多善於以語言作表達的天生演說者,聚在一起互相學習,銳意將專業發揚光大。
「Stage of Soul」—
司儀之所以是舞台上的靈魂,主要原因是他們除了帶領整個活動的氣氛,也是掌握活動節奏、直接影響活動成敗的關鍵角色。而 S.A.Y. 肩負起培育專業人才的使命,透過提供訓練予旗下合約司儀,並配合其首創的水平認證計劃,系統化管理人才培訓,為他們開拓更廣更闊的專業舞台。


S.A.Y. – Stage of Soul

Brand New Image for Blooming Positive Energy

“S.A.Y.” is a brand of Unlimited Power Production & Training Ltd (UPPT), a company that specializes in providing professional master of ceremonial services and trainings. S.A.Y. focuses on youth and vitality to promote professionalism and popularity of the MCs while actively contribute to the community.

The name “S.A.Y.” stands for: Students, and the names of co-founders Amanda Fok and Yoee Leung. This “Golden Triangle” also highlights the origin of “S.A.Y.”- to gather orators and speakers, to learn from each other, and to develop the profession.

“Stage of Soul”

Masters of ceremonies are souls of stage, for they lead the atmosphere and rhythm of the event, and play a key role on the success of it. At S.A.Y. we are determined to nurture professional MCs through training, and with the certification program (a first in our industry) and our talent training and management system, we cultivate a broader stage for their careers.

Mastering the Art of “Golden Mean” –

The logo design of “S.A.Y.” is drawn from the Chinese traditional concept of “Round Sky and Square Earth”, and implies that to achieve best results, Master of Ceremonies must be able to blend and balance both ends: The “Round” – to be flexible, diverse, crisis-prepared, and to bring an event to live; and the “Square”- to follow the etiquette of the occasion, and to be presentable and appropriate.

Our Mission

Being the stage of soul, enlightening events by soul.

