Strive to asssit participants to achieve satisfactory result in the competition through sharing competition techniques, psychological quality and extraordinary presentation skill.
The exceptional result that some students achieved 部份畢業學員在不同的比賽中都取得理想成績:
Course Content 課程內容:Tailor-Made 因應公司情況及賽制而訂
Communication and Presentation Skill for Salesperson
Learn how to close the deal through below 3 learning points.
Course Content 課程內容:
Target 對象: Salesperson 所有從事銷售工作的人士
Course Content 課程內容:Tailor-Made 因應公司情況而訂
Public Speaking 演說訓練班
Through the training, students can master 修讀此訓練課程後,學員能有效掌握:
Course Content 課程內容:Tailor-Made 因應公司情況而訂
DeliveringRight for Executive
DeliveringRight™ 專為行政人員及管理層度身訂造的工作坊,充分利 用 LEGO®Serious Play ™和 time-tested charismatic tactics 的特性,為學員帶來一種全新的學習體驗,讓他們共同參與來改善溝通及表達的技巧。
Think Outside the LEGO
我們明白新一代的企業領袖都期望能以創意去平衡他們習以為常的批判性思考方式。所以我們引用LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology, 協助企業去找出及正視問題,讓企業的行政人員及管理層去體驗如何有系統地進行設計思考,從而將技巧應用到不同的商業處境。
Who’s Missing?
不論公司的規模大小,都能夠運用 LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology 去改善管理層的整體表現。員工們都能夠在工作坊即時地發掘真正的問題,並找出具體的解決方案。在工作坊完結之前,管理層定能獲得新技巧,並制定出一套全新的人才培訓方案。
Course Content 課程內容:Tailor-Made 因應公司情況而訂
Play Team Building 遊戲式團隊培訓
We tailor-made fun and interactive team building activities to all clients with stimulating and challenging for any skill level. Our equipped team ensure all participants can fully enjoy the program.
We strongly believe that the FANTASTIC team building activities can promote 我們深信透過這個培訓可以讓提升參加者能力:
Course Content 課程內容:Tailor-Made 因應公司情況而訂
Executive Image Building 專業形象建立
The workshop provides opportunity for students to explore and understand all aspects of professional business image and social etiquette in workplace and different social occasions. The workshop enables them to deliver mature business image and appropriate social etiquette so that they build confidence and are able to conclude the program by practicing image and etiquette suggestion trainers have delivered.
The training workshop is to:
Course Content 課程內容:Tailor-Made 因應公司情況而訂